Hello again!
I know I know, I haven’t written a blog in a month and you’ve
all been simply desolate without my witty posts, I’m terribly sorry. Anyways…where
to begin-these last few weeks have been absolute madness. Working out all the
kinks in moving across the Atlantic and whatnot, takes work, who knew? But I
don’t want to bore you with my stressful…stuff. Oh heck, what else do you
write/ read a blog for if not to talk about the humdrum things in life. So here
are my humdrums: being the outrageously intelligent person that I am, I horrendously miscalculated my
finances for the first months, so it was what I like to call a “skinny” couple
of weeks. Today however, remedied that when I was able to get my hands on my
money from back in Chico and I promptly bought enough groceries for ten
people(whoops). There’s still the occasional “oops, I’m on the wrong, bloody tube”
moments, the “did I really just say bloody?” moments, the “dear Lord, I have to
top up my Oyster card AGAIN?!” and let’s not forget the “let’s drink wine and
watch Harry Potter till we’re crying and laughing for literally no reason at
all “moments. I’ve also had the experience of finding a spider larger than I
care to think about and having to bludgeon it to death. Okay enough of that
though, now my own humdrums are boring me too, so let us move on to the bigger
and better things yes?
First of all, I’d like to take this time to point out that I
live in London. A small fact that I still can’t get over and tends to hit me in
the most inconvenient of times; for example, last week on the tube, surrounded
by strangers I suddenly got all giddy and couldn’t stop grinning like a fool
because I realized that I’m living my dream. Never had so many strange looks
from people in my life, okay I have but whatever, I was making a point. That
point being that there is something so satisfying about living the life that
you have worked so hard to achieve and not to toot my own horn here but I
worked pretty damn hard for this. And although I know that the hard work has
only just begun, I think, if I may, that I’ve quite deserved this. Toot.
And now I have to mention one itty bitty negative thing,
because it’s a blog and it just can’t all be happy go lucky stuff, and because
a girl’s gotta complain every now and again. Never fear though, it’s just a wee
thing. You see, ever since got here, I’ve referred to it as home. Because that’s
what it feels like, and how I feel when I’m here, is at home. Makes sense
right? But there have been people who have actually corrected me when I’ve done
that. Tried to tell me that no, I’m not home, because Chico is obviously the
only home I’ll ever have. Which I’ll be honest, really, really irritates me.
First, I am home. Because home is not just one place, if I may be so bold as to
say so, home is wherever you feel at
home. Furthermore, my home is not solely in Chico, or in Ealing, it’s wherever
I feel at home. Second of all, please don’t presume to know where my home is. I
can’t even name all the places that I feel at home, and that I consider to be
home. I certainly don’t mean to point fingers or insult these people but when I
refer to this as home, please, don’t correct me.
….Awkward. I feel like I just lectured a small child and now
I have to carry on. So let’s talk about something else. School! School is going
wonderfully. Mostly. The last couple of
weeks have been focused on hair, which is twice as exhausting as makeup. Personally I’ve really struggled with hair,
It’s not something I excel in or that comes naturally to me, like makeup.
Trying to manage my mop of hair is difficult enough but rolling, tonging and
styling other people’s hair? Forgetaboutit! In the beginning, everything I did
seemed to consistently end up a sticky, overly curled mess that I could maybe
pass off as a “messy but styled” look. Recently, it’s gotten better. Despite my
burned and blistered fingertips I can actually produce something that looks
vaguely like a fashionable hairstyle, which is really exciting for a girl whose
go-to is a bun on the top of her head. At any rate, it’s hard but it’s getting
better, and now it’s time for these burned and traumatized fingers to stop
typing out my rambling thoughts and go to bed because they’ve had a rough day.
Like trying to open a very stubborn bottle of wine, which sums up my week thus
far perfectly, so goodnight my friends, forgive me for my rambling blog.
I could read your grocery list and be entertained :D